
Today we spent a freezing cold morning ringing at Ramsley Reservoir with Geoff.  By the end of the morning we had netted and ringed 83 birds consisting of Redwing, Long-tailed Tits, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Redpoll and Meadow Pipits.

The Redwings were caught at the start of the morning, the first net round producing 1 bird, the second producing 5 and the third produced two.  They need a CC ring along with Song Thrushes and Dippers.  They were a mix of 3’s and 4’s, the adult birds lacking the white rim to the tertials.  None of the birds caught today were the Icelandic subspecies but if any had been they would have appeared darker.


1st calendar year due white-tipped tertials
1st calendar year due white-tipped tertials
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