Puffins put on danger list

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 09.43.41 Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 09.45.15 Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 09.42.52 Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 09.44.23New research has found that for the first time ever puffins have been rare in Britain.  Unfortunately, shags, nightingales and our biggest wader, the curlew have too.  They have all been added to the official red list.  This shows that more than one in four of the UK’s 244 bird species are so rare they may become a cause of concern for the RSPB.  The number of British birds on the red list is now 67-up 15 since the last list in 2009.  It includes some of our favourite and best known birds, including the cuckoo and the starling.

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