Good hen harrier breeding season

This year, 34 hen harrier chicks have successfully fledged in England, the most successful season for a decade. coque iphone 7 A total of 14 nesting attempts took place across Lancashire, Northumberland, Cumbria and Derbyshire, with 9 nests successfully raising chicks.  It is thought that a high number of voles and good weather has made it a good breeding season. coque iphone 6 13 chicks fledged on United Utilities land in the Forest of Bowland. coque iphone

Chicks in the Forest of Bowland.
Chicks in the Forest of Bowland.
4 hen harriers have successfully fledged on National Trust land in the Peak District for the first time in 4 years which is extremely pleasing.
Hen harrier chicks in the Peak District
Hen harrier chicks in the Peak District
3 nests on Forestry Commission land in Northumberland fledged 11 young. coque iphone pas cher 1 nest in Cumbria guarded by RSPB staff produced 2 chicks. Another nest in Cumbria close to a grouse moor produced 4 chicks. soldes coque iphone Before fledging, over 30 hen harrier chicks were fitted with satellite-tags by the RSPB so they can monitor their movements.  Even though so many chicks have fledged this year, they face an uncertain future because of illegal persecution on grouse moors.  It will take more breeding seasons like this to have a well-established population.

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